Wednesday, 26 October 2011

The Importance of a Belt Buckle

I write this leading on somewhat from my earlier article “Bringing the Vikings to Life”, as I wish to talk about the experience I have had in injecting detail and description to my writings. Now, firstly my background as a writer is as a game designer, writing either fiction based on a world that I particularly liked or later on writing the script for the adventure itself, either as background lore, quest detail or interactions between the players and the denizens of the land.

Part of this has meant my developing style is very blunt and concise, with a heady amount of action driving the plot forward. Working in such a visual medium as this, it was usually better to leave the optical features to the artists, because as they say, a picture tells a thousand words. Now, that I am writing a book it has come about from frequent critiques that I need to add more detail and atmosphere to the text, as I can no longer rely on the visual feedback from the graphics.

My experiences of this have been widespread, ranging from finding certain aspects really interesting (the weather and environment in particular) and therefore easier to write about. For some reason I find it very easily to properly visualise and then put into words a description of weather and its effects, be it bright sunlight on a mid-summers eve to a blizzard in the middle of winter, however detail of the land is rather more difficult. This is part of the reason for my attempts to get as much visual feedback on the Greenlandic terrain, which led to my discovery of the real Hvalsey in the article mentioned above.

Then there is the part of descriptive text which I find near impossible, and this most likely stems from my own (very) casual attitude to the subject, and that is clothing. I realise that what people wear can be as important to their overall characterisation as their actions, but I find it nearly impossible to connect the two. Does it really matter if Gorran wears a blue tunic or a green one? What about Thorvald’s trousers today? Is it enough that I simply dress up the characters in personality and then let the reader imagine for themselves what exactly it is they wear. I hope so, because this is what I intend to do.

This leads very nicely on to my final point, the nature of novel writing is a very different beast to master compared with script or lore scribbling, and it requires different skills and techniques to pull off; but should I really mould my entire writing style to suit this, or would my book come out as stronger if I write along my strengths rather than weaknesses? Perhaps I should start to concentrate more on Leif’s voyage of discovery and worry less about the shape of Erik’s belt buckles...

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

The Invasion of Dorset

Well the last two weeks have been packed full of different activities, so much so that I simply have not had a chance to sit down and work on this blog as I should have been. Several things have been going on, both in life, in Vinland and in Pendor, for the interests of not spreading this post too thin, and having it go on for 5,000 words I will limit this one to just the former of the three. I have noted down the events for the others, so expect more posts in the coming weeks which will cover those topics.

Two weekends ago I was travelling through the picturesque villages and towns of Dorset working at better understanding that most Viking of activities, the art of drinking and through that enhancing my appreciation for the fine ales of the region. One of the local breweries had put on a competition which required that you visit 20 of their pubs before the end of September, of course we saw this as more of a challenge which had to be accepted, which dutifully we did. Unfortunately on my first visit to the area we only managed to go to one pub having decided we rather liked it and settled there. After this we were all busy until the weekend before the end of the challenge, so had to do 19 pubs in 2 days. Game on!

Based on my experiences during this I now like to think that the Vikings are simply a misunderstood race, each of their crews simply trying to complete their own pub trails albeit on a far larger scale than I and my friends achieved. It is clear that the Irish, the Franks, the Saxons and all the others simply didn’t realise that those burly guys simply brought their axes along as a dark age bottle opener.