Friday, 13 February 2015

The Molyneux Shotgun Blast

"Do you think that you're a pathological liar?" 

It's been a while since I used this blog as a platform to get some thoughts across, but this time a simple Tweet or Facebook status will not cut it and some more detail is warranted. In general I have to say I do like and appreciate the work done by the hundreds of game journalists out there, three outlets in particular I deem to be oustanding; PC Gamer, Eurogamer and Develop Online.

One however; Rock, Paper, Shotgun, has slowly but surely been getting worse and I feel is on the verge of becoming the gutter press of the industry. Now, I am absolutely against this type of journalism in general. I feel that they prey on the detritus of the human psyche, and contribute very little to actual discussion and discourse which are so pivotal to our species' progression in general.

I'm pleased to see other developers taking a similar stance.
"Do you think that you're a pathological liar?" was the opening question from interviewer John Walker to game developer Peter Molyneux (Dungeon Keeper, Fable. Populous, Godus), and it very much set the tone for the rest of the interview. It started out blunt and rude and then descended into kicking a man when he's down.

RPS: I don’t think anyone who paid for the game cares.
Peter Molyneux: How many updates have we done on Steam?
RPS: I don’t think anyone who paid for the game cares. I think they want the game they paid for three years ago or their money back.
Peter Molyneux: We’re trying as hard as we possibly can.
RPS: I don’t think you are.

Note; I am not linking the Rock, Paper, Shotgun article here. If you are really interested go and google it, but I will not be the source of more views for this type of toxic journalism.

I should explain that Molyneux has developed a reputation for over promising features and generally getting really excited about game elements at conferences and to the press - and then being unable to deliver on them.

The Rock, Paper, Shotgun article came out in the wake of revelations that development of the kickstarted game, Godus, has not been going well. Most other review sites reported on the failings by the company behind it, 22Cans, and direct interviews with Molyneux.

As such Molyneux's popularity at the moment is extremely low, and I do feel that his promises do deserve investigation and critique - however this should never warrant personal attacks of this kind. Walker's whole article reeks of a witch-hunt for the sake of views and controversy - a topic common to gutter press journalism.

Freedom of Expression is, of course, extremely precious and despite my feelings towards them I would not want them to stop publishing the drivel that they do. On the other hand, I will stop reading their articles myself and would urge others to do the same. Should John Walker ever approach me and ask for an interview, I will politely, but firmly, tell him "no".