Gorran, love him or hate him, is one of the most complex characters that I have developed. He has caused me more writer blocks, nervous breakdowns and problems than pretty much the rest of the cast put together.
Gorran was one of the first settlers to arrive in Greenland, landing with Erik, his superior. Although physically Gorran has become rather fat, he has an indomitable energy that keeps him interacting with almost all who visit Greenland. Over time he has built up considerable influence and wealth in Hvalsey (the capital), enough so that he has declared himself mayor – and Erik has not disputed this claim.
Gorran stands for the greater good, he cares deeply for the settlement he helped establish and treats all of its many citizens in a fatherly manner. He is worried however at the impact that Vinland will have on Greenland. Although wealthy thanks to the resources available, it has a small population, and Erik's expedition is attracting many Greenlanders to follow him to Vinland. Gorran has complete respect for Erik but believes deeply that Greenland will not continue to flourish should the enigmatic founder leave for greener pastures.
Greenland is a prosperous but fragile settlement. Gorran stands as the sole sentinel for its continued existence, but how can one man stand against the call of destiny? How far will his conscience allow him to go?