Friday 6 May 2011

Progress Report : 6th May 2011

It has been a slow week, with ups and downs. It turns out that bank holidays really mess up the schedules of those who work from home as well as our office inhabiting brethren. When everyone is out having a good time it gets very difficult to stay in churning away at the laptop.

The fault for this lies not only with external distractions but also technical issues. I would get sections of the story done only to backtrack realising what I had just put on paper was trash. One part in particular has been causing some real headaches; this was a section in which one of the characters enters Erik’s great hall incognito. It turns out that writing about a character while hiding everything about them (their name, physique and gender) is pretty much impossible. My objective is to create something of a “who dunnit” in the story.

I have managed to fix this issue by introducing an accomplice who I can reveal earlier on in the book, considering he is a rather nasty piece of work anyway (and perhaps rather too enjoyable to write. The bad guys are far easier to create than the good in many instances!), and the tale from this person’s point of view allows it to flow in a far more smooth manner. It did mean that I cannot add all the particular details as the accomplice doesn’t see it all, but it does allow me to go into more depth about the personality and reasons as to why this person would choose to work with one of the antagonists.

Once this bit is done and out of the way I can get back to another of the sub plots which is rather more political in nature, something of a speciality for me being all about manipulation and power plays. I have been reading (and watching) a Game of Thrones, which if you have not checked out I would highly recommend. George R. R. Martin is defiantly one of the principle influences on my work, and his job of creating the political machinations between the various characters is superb.

Anyhow, next week I hope to resume normal service both on this blog and on the book. Monday’s offering I have not yet decided on (anything you want me to discuss?), but Wednesday I think I will introduce to the world the first of my female characters, so stay tuned!

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